Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Debased Minds

As our country gets further from God, we will suffer the consequences of being ruled over by leaders with debased minds. Romans 1:28 says, "even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting" (NKJ). This passage came to mind as I read about the insane rules of engagement our military has in Afghanistan. I couldn't believe that we have a catch-and-release program going on for Taliban over there. It really makes you wonder why we are there. This would be a tough time to be in the military. And it is a tough time to be a citizen in this country. Ungodly decisions are causing the United States to lose our power in the world, and with it our freedoms. Whether it is by incompetence or evil design, decisions our government has made is destroying our economy by keeping the unemployment rate up, destroying the value of our savings, and driving up inflation. The American Dream is evaporating before our eyes. God gives us the government we deserve. If our voters do not have sufficient spiritual discernment to elect the most godly leaders, we deserve the consequences of those we put into power. I wonder how people who don't know Jesus Christ as Savior can deal with all the negative trends we are seeing in this country today. I suspect they do whatever they can to put these things out of their minds. But this only exacerbates the proliferation of debased minds. So we may already be past the point of no return for turning things around in this country. I'd like to think there will be a collective awakening and certainly this is a worthy thing to pray for but it is beginning to look like the lateness of the hour will dictate the course of events. It is a blessing to know the prophetic Scriptures. I know that the eventual demise of the United States as the last superpower on earth has to happen to make way for the global government that is coming. The fact that our fall is happening so quickly shows we have to be close to the Tribulation and we know the Rapture will be even closer... Come soon Lord Jesus, this world sorely needs You.


  1. Mr. Huckaby, Is it possible that the last trumpet which calls us home...is actually...the last trumpet spoken of in Revelation 11:15-18? John 6:39, 40, 44, abd 54 all make references to the Righteous dead being raised up on the last day...and they go before we do, so...? Personally I would love for their to be a pre-tribulation rapture but I just can't find where it's biblical. So, with September and the fall feasts rapidly approaching...my husband and I will continue to prepare our family as best as we can and trust in God's supernatural providence and protection to either take us home through death or keep us safe here, according to his will. Your sister in Christ.

  2. This is allso confirmed in the Voluspa by Valands prophecy. I wrote a real explanation here but it dissapeard when I wanted to mail it so I write only in shortterms now. If you want a fully explanation to it I can give you one.
    But I wait for your interesst.

    Mother is God
    Hare Joshua
    Hare Krishna
    Hare Tor

    carl johan sahlstrom


  3. Thessalonians and Valand prophecy are talking about the same things.

    I can explain it if you have a interesst for it.

    The point is that we have lost our symbiotic relation with nature.

    Mother is God

    carl johan sahlstrom


  4. Himmelriket på jorden är en anarki där andesjälar kan leva genom sina egna hjärtan.
    Jag kallar det Matriarkali. En motsats till
    Patriarkali där nevrod (kejsare eller herre)
    bestämmer hur du ska leva. Naturen, mångfalden är ett exempel på hur matriarkali fungerar. De
    upprätthåller då glädjen. Den som inte kan följa sitt hjärta drabbas av ledsamheten.
